
Sentinel Station, Design and Inspiration

Sentinel Station is a Watchtower-class design that has been employed on the periphery of the United Federation of Planets since Starbase 47, known as Vanguard, was built in 2263.

The Watchtower-class design was featured in the novel series Star Trek: Vanguard. It appears on six covers of the eight-book series that has been aptly described as the HBO version of the original television serires. The events in the series revolve around the events of The Tholian Web and the films Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan and Star Trek V: The Final Frontier.

The independent feature film Axanar included a Watchtower-class station early in it's design process. It's Prelude to Axanar trailer has been viewed 4.2 million times and has taken more than five years from conception to the beginning of filming in November 2019.

Additional Resources

Other descriptions and images of Watchtower-class stations are also visible online.